Name: Angela Simmons
Date: 08/20/2015 Message: Please Dave if you my brother please e-mail me
Name: Angela Simmons
Date: 08/20/2015 Message: A sister-in-law I never got to know.
Name: Linda Stanley
Date: 02/07/2013 Message: Thinking of you all today and wishing you peace. Kim reached out to me on the first anniversary of my son's passing and I will never forget her kindness.
Name: John K Tacosa
Date: 11/22/2012 Message: Hey Dave, shared our meeting with my daughter(2nd LT Air Force) and the Blessings that are availibel if she persue Him(Yahweh) with all of her heart. She is her for the Thanksgiving holidays. Every blessing to you and your family. Love in Yeshua, John
Name: Angela Crawley
Date: 05/14/2010 Message: This is an amazing story of the Glory of God. We have also had 2 of our children go ahead of us to be with God. and so much of this book reflects our lives. I hope that it touches many people as it did us.
Name: Pat Fairley
Date: 03/25/2010 Message: Along with a wonderful book that brought both tears and smiles, this Blog is also great. Thank You so much for sharing and helping others.
Name: Carol Simmons
Date: 03/06/2009 Message: I am a friend of Jackie Rogers and I have been moved by light of Jesus that shines through your words! Thank you and bless you! Carol
Name: Linda Stanley
Date: 03/06/2009 Message: What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Thanks for continuing to share her life and your lives with others.
Name: Kristina Baxter
Date: 03/05/2009 Message: Thank you Dave for being a sweet and loving friend. I plan on sharing this book and hope it will touch lives like it has touched mine!
God Bless You and Your family.
Name: Christi Rice
Date: 03/04/2009 Message: Simmons family-
As always, you inspire everyone you come in contact with. It's a beautiful site. Praise God that you are able to share now with people around the world. WOW!